Ultrix on a MicroVAX 3100/95?
(too old to reply)
2010-08-18 08:18:25 UTC
Hi Guys,

I know I've asked about compatibility before, but someone gave me a
MicroVAX 3100/95 recently with some Ultrix 4.4 disks. I spent about 10
mins attempting an install and got what looked like a fairly low level
error when booting, it was something along the lines of 'HWR?' and
the boot failed.

I did a search of the documentation CD but I couldn't find a list
anywhere which would confirm whether Ultrix is supported on this
model. Can anyone enlighten me?

Thanks for the help,

Dennis Grevenstein
2010-08-18 09:16:15 UTC
Post by urbancamo
I know I've asked about compatibility before, but someone gave me a
MicroVAX 3100/95 recently with some Ultrix 4.4 disks. I spent about 10
mins attempting an install and got what looked like a fairly low level
error when booting, it was something along the lines of 'HWR?' and
the boot failed.
I did a search of the documentation CD but I couldn't find a list
anywhere which would confirm whether Ultrix is supported on this
model. Can anyone enlighten me?
It is not supported and won't work. The 3100/95 is an NVAX based
machine. ULTRIX only runs on 3100 systems with CVAX processors.
That would be a MicroVAX 3100/10, /10e, /20, /20e or a VAXstation
3100/30, /38, /40, /48. Those all range IIRC from 10 to 15MHz.
The 3100/95 came out much later and runs at a whopping 83MHz.
It's a very nice machine to run VMS on. It's the MicroVAX equivalent
of a VAXstation 4000/90A. The model designations tend to be

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